MCCI Board Meeting

Thursday, February 18, 2021, 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm
A meeting of the MCCI Board


Agenda to come


Members: (quorum)

  • Present: Mike Langhnecht
  • Present: Ray Sebold
  • Present: Dana Faldasz
  • Absent: Michael Muller

Also Present:

  • Deirdre Pleasant
  • Josh Bell

Meeting opened: 6:00PM
Meeting closed : 7:10PM

Meeting preliminaries

  • 11/20/20 minutes table for next meeting

Treasurer's Report:

  • Karen Siwicki to take on position as both MCTV bookeeper and accountant with an increase of pay to $25.00 pr/hr
  • Motion made by Mike, moved by Dana and 2nd by Ray to approve pay increase for Karen.

Staff Report:

  • Discussed station manager job description and how to evaluate:
    • Review annual report in May as guideline to evaluate job description.
    • Establish guidelines based on prioritation, fascilitate team building and institution goals.
    • What are requirements for outreach with other peg stations?
    • Mike to work work with Dean directly on setting future goals

MCCI 2021-02-18 Minutes (2021-02-25 at 3:24 PM)

MCCI 2021-02-18 Staff Report 11-20-20 thru 2-18-21 (2021-02-25 at 3:40 PM)