Meeting opened: 6:10 PM
Meeting closed: 7:10 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, May 13 - MCCI Annual Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
2: Staff / Equipment Report
2: Bilingual Outreach
3: Cumbies Building
1: Annual Staff Review
2: Strategic Planning
General Discussion...
*Walter joined meeting to discuss synergy between Annex space and Unity Park for potential new station location.
*Government funding/potential grants would allow a collaborative work space design with MCTV as primary tenant with small units for other office space availability. (ie:art gallery)
*Ray discussed high facility costs including existing concrete floor. Also, inquired if MCTV will have equity is this space.
*A visit to the Annex with Board Members and the building inspector to be initiated soon.
3: Review of Evaluation
4: Board Members
General Discussion...
*Introduced Andrew Ritchie as a new potential board member.
Executive Session
General Discussion...
*Dean requested approval for Deirdre hourly pay rate increase
MOTION, moved by Dana Faldasz, seconded by Raymond Sebold: Increase Deirdre hourly pay rate to $17 per hour.
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Friday, Mar 11, 2022