Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:00 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Aug 19 - MCCI Board Meeting
Minutes Approved: Thu, Nov 18 - MCCI Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*Dean & Karen began revamping budget to reflect current changes in staff/purchases/equipment as prior budget was carried over past 2 years, which is no longer accurate.
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Dean to re-submit 2020-2021 annual report to Steve Ellis/Town
*Dean,Ray,Dana to create job description of station manager for future annual review evaluations.
*Dean to create job description of assistant station manager for future annual review evaluations.
*Staff reports to now reflect parameters as laid out with MCCI contract with Town.
2: Bilingual Outreach
General Discussion...
*Discussed outreach to Spanish speaking community
*Deirdre to reach out to Diane Ellis at GMRSD to initiate collaboration of programs
*Budget in review to determine available funds for future bilingual programming
2: MCTV Visioning
2: Strategic Planning
3: MCTV Station Hours
General Discussion...
*The Station is back to regular hours M-F 10-4PM. Other hours by request.
5: Review goals /ojectives in By-laws and Town Contract
General Discussion...
*Dana (clerk) is now acting board president effective 3/10/22 per bylaws
*Jason noted CAC will be meeting soon/MCTV to attend and film
6: Update MCCI signers with bank
General Discussion...
*Vernonica, Karen & Dean to update signers at Greenfield Savings Bank
MOTION, moved by Raymond Sebold, seconded by Dana Faldasz: Approved Karen Sawicki as interim treasurer/bank signer.
Pass: Aye: Dana Faldasz, Raymond Sebold.
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Thursday, Apr 28, 2022