Meeting opened: 6:30 PM
Meeting closed: 7:45 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Jun 9 - MCCI Annual Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Dean to submit inventory for capitol equipment to Dana, Ray & Karen
*Dean requested his weekly hours be discussed in executive session
MOTION, moved by Raymond Sebold, seconded by Karen Siwicki: Motion approved for purchase of editors laptop for $2500.
Pass: Aye: Raymond Sebold, Dana Faldasz, Karen Siwicki.
MOTION, moved by Karen Siwicki, seconded by Raymond Sebold: Motion made to approve Liz Walber as a board member effective 7/21/22. Welcome aboard Liz!!.
Pass: Aye: Raymond Sebold, Dana Faldasz, Karen Siwicki.
3: Annual Budget 2022
MOTION, moved by Raymond Sebold, seconded by Karen Siwicki: Motion approved to accept 2022 budget.
Pass: Aye: Raymond Sebold, Dana Faldasz, Karen Siwicki.
1: Bilingual Outreach
General Discussion...
*Ray to provide clear actionable tasks for bilingual outreach to staff.
*Many attempts to make contacts over the past few years have been made with no outcome. Covid has also hindered this process
2: Station Equipment: (Drone, editor laptop , editor station upgrade, gimbal, phone equipment)
General Discussion...
*Drone training for Dean & Deirdre scheduled for 7/27/22 with Chris Clawson
*Dean researching prices for editors desktop monitor
3: Bylaws - Jason to research if edits to bylaws need to be registered with the state
General Discussion...
*Jason advised it's not necessary to inform state of minor MCCI bylaw changes, but requests we notify CAC & Town of any changes made
4: Brickhouse/Meghan
General Discussion...
*Brickhouse is currently closed until late August for youth programs due to lack of staff. We will reconvene with Meghan at that time to discuss coordination of potential future youth programs for Fall and hopefully incorporate a bilingual program as well.
3: MCTV Website/Meeting with Mik
General Discussion...
*Dean, Mik & Deirdre met at station for additional web training
*Added most recent videos field to home page
*Deirdre to discuss with Mik why reports aren't showing on website when board meeting opens
(bug still needs to be fixed)
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Friday, Sep 16, 2022