MCCI Board Meeting

Thursday, October 27, 2022, 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm
A meeting of the MCCI Board

Meeting of MCCI Board

Members: (Quorum)

  • Present: Dana Faldasz, President, at 6:15 PM
  • Present: Karen Siwicki, Treasurer, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Liz Walber, at 6:20 PM

Also Present:

  • Deirdre Pleasant
  • Jason Burbank

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 6:15 PM

Meeting closed: 1:22 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

  2. Administrative Business

  3. Old Business

    • 1: Bilingual Outreach

      General Discussion...
      *Agreed to move bilingual outreach to staff report and remove from agenda at this time
      *Discussed researching subtitle captioning box and bilingual PSA options

    • 2: Station Equipment: Editing station

      General Discussion...
      *The 2 Mac desktop computers in the editing room have been upgraded and are now in full working order thanks to Paul Wonsey!!
      *Remove station equipment from future agendas as is on staff report

    • 3: Brickhouse/Megan

      General Discussion...
      *Hannah & Emma have successfully completed Spooktacular Event with the Brick House.
      The kids fully participated and was a great time for All involved!
      *The screening will be on Halloween 3PM at the Brick House for public viewing

  4. New Business

    • 1: Covid Relief Grant

      General Discussion...
      *Still awaiting response from submitted application

    • 2: Editing Training

      General Discussion...
      *Hannah to begin editing training upon completion of Brick House project

  5. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes prepared by Deirdre

Minutes approved on Thursday, Dec 8, 2022