Meeting opened: 6:15 PM
Meeting closed: 1:22 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Sep 8 - MCCI Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*line item was created for teaching/training wage as previously discussed in last meeting
*Dean to review status of quarterly Comcast check and amount
2: Staff / Equipment Report
1: Bilingual Outreach
General Discussion...
*Agreed to move bilingual outreach to staff report and remove from agenda at this time
*Discussed researching subtitle captioning box and bilingual PSA options
2: Station Equipment: Editing station
General Discussion...
*The 2 Mac desktop computers in the editing room have been upgraded and are now in full working order thanks to Paul Wonsey!!
*Remove station equipment from future agendas as is on staff report
3: Brickhouse/Megan
General Discussion...
*Hannah & Emma have successfully completed Spooktacular Event with the Brick House.
The kids fully participated and was a great time for All involved!
*The screening will be on Halloween 3PM at the Brick House for public viewing
1: Covid Relief Grant
General Discussion...
*Still awaiting response from submitted application
2: Editing Training
General Discussion...
*Hannah to begin editing training upon completion of Brick House project
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Thursday, Dec 8, 2022