Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:05 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*Karen, Dana & Dean to meet 1/19/23 via zoom to discuss budget and compare past budget to proposed 2023 budget
*Karen to ask Bernice if can move past capitol funds to checking account for 2023 fiscal year
*Karen currently working on W2's and will send out via email
*Pay increases will be determined based on budget review
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Dean spoke with underwriter at Rist Insurance Re: Drone coverage for a business and was advised they don't normally provide insurance for drone business due to liability only for personal coverage, but Tracy will review and submit a quote.
*Minutes for 12/1/22 tabled for quorum next meeting
*Deirdre to provide Dana with producer email links for upcoming board meetings
1: Covid Relief Grant
General Discussion...
*Deirdre called Mass Cultural council for update and was told the final determination of approval will be no later than the first week of February
2: Editing training
General Discussion...
*Hannah began training/editing with Ben on Final Cut
*She will continue training as needed -we currently have 2 more people interested
1: Pay raises/Bonuses
General Discussion...
*All 2022 employee bonuses have gone out
*Pay raises for 2023 to be determined based on budget review. Due to minimum wage increase to $15.00 per hour in January 2023, all wages need to be reassessed.
2: Rocketfusion favicon
General Discussion...
*Mik has replaced Rockefusion's favicon to an eagle to represent MCTV
* Dana noted rocket still shows up on PDF sections of website...Deirdre to refer to Mik
3: Local Interviews
General Discussion...
*Emma & Deirdre implementing a new series to interview new local businessess
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Friday, Mar 24, 2023