Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:30 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*2022 tax packet was received by Bernice
*Deirdre sent Grant contract to Karen
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Officers will be voted on at next board meeting when have a quorum
*Deirdre hired Isaac Larkin-Harmon as new producer/editor
1: Covid Relief Grant
General Discussion...
*All paperwork completed currently awaiting Covid Grant relief check
2: Editing training
General Discussion...
* Hannah continues to train as requested
*Currently have a new producer Isaac who wishes to learn Final Cut 10-referred him to Hannah to schedule a time/date.
3: Local Interviews
General Discussion...
*Stash House/Swanson interview has been completed and is currently being edited by Hannah & Emma
*Sadie's Bike Shop is next on interview list then Buckingham Rabbits
1: Review bylaw exceptions for board members to be monetarily compensated for occasional camera work
General Discussion...
*Dana & Dean have reviewed bylaws and determined exceptions can be made for monetary compensation per board vote approval
*A vote will be made at next board meeting regarding this matter when we have a quorum
2: Company Credit Card
General Discussion...
*Deirdre requested she have a company credit card to purchase small ancillary items for station.
*Item will be added to next agenda for board vote approval
3: Translation Subtitles
General Discussion...
*Deirdre noticed translation subtitles are no longer showing on Cielito Lindo video and will research with Hannah.
*We will be looking into other editing methods including subtitle/translation software prior to our interview with Albita's Sowing & Repairs.
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Monday, Jul 17, 2023