Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:00 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Jul 20 - MCCI Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*Dean to review utilities/alarm charges as our budget allowance currently less than actual annual fees
*Dean to sign off on bills prior to submission to Karen
*Dean to get verification of franchise fee
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Discussed upcoming purchase needed for new tripods
*Dean currently researching specs for drone purchase
1: Editing training
General Discussion...
*Continue to train Ben on the PTZ Town Hall camera remote system as needed
2: Local Interviews
General Discussion...
*Sadie's Bike Shop edit completed
1: Reimburse Liz for ATM camera work
General Discussion...
*Liz reimbursed for services rendered at Special Town Meeting
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Thursday, Sep 28, 2023