Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:18 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Apr 18 - MCCI Board Meeting
Minutes Approved: Thu, May 30 - MCCI Annual Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
- Hartford audit for workman's comp completed
- Insurance correspondence with RIST
- Bank statements balanced, 2nd quarter report sent to Dean
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
- Website w/ Mick - still finding how to embed Vimeo RSS
- Discussion of backups, potential SAN solution
- School Committee seeking grants for hybrid meeting build out
1: Local Interviews
General Discussion...
- Mohawk Shawarma Truck finished!
- New ideas: Great Hauls (vintage), Dreamhouse (restaurant)
2: MCCI/Comcast/Town Contract
General Discussion...
NEXT Cable Advisory Committee Meeting 8/13 5PM at Town Hall
- no proposals yet, considering survey for people who aren't served
3: Brick House Programming
General Discussion...
No Updates
4: Fundraising ideas
General Discussion...
+ Susan @ Riverculture for grant ideas
+ Thinking of specific projects, closed captioning?
1: Miscellaneous
General Discussion...
Old business!
Minutes approved on Thursday, Jan 2, 2025