MCCI Board Meeting

Thursday, June 20, 2019, 6:00 pm until 7:30 pm
34 Second Street Turners Falls, MA
A meeting of the MCCI Board

Regular meeting of the MCCI board

Meeting of MCCI Board

Members: (Quorum)

  • Absent: Dana Faldasz, Clerk
  • Absent: Raymond Sebold
  • Present: Mik Muller, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Mike Langknecht, President, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Veronica Phaneuf, Treasurer, at 6:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Dean Garvin
  • Deirdre Pleasant
  • Cooper Wood

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 6:00 PM

Meeting closed: 7:40 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

  2. Regular Meeting Items

    • 1: Treasurer's Report

    • 2: Staff / Equipment Report

      General Discussion...
      *Proposal from Steve Ellis requesting MCTV to share cost of display monitors in meeting rooms at Town Hall.

      MOTION, moved by Veronica Phaneuf, seconded by Mik Muller: Motion to approve up to $3,000 of capital funds for 2 monitors & all hardware.

      Pass: Aye: Mike Langknecht, Mik Muller, Veronica Phaneuf. Not Present: Dana Faldasz, Raymond Sebold.

      *No consultant fees

      1. MCTV__staff_report_5-17-19_thru_6-20-19.pdf
  3. Old Business

    • 1: Video Contest / Promo Event @ Shea Theater

      MOTION, moved by Veronica Phaneuf, seconded by Mik Muller: Motion to approve poster purchase from Staples today.

      Pass: Aye: Mike Langknecht, Mik Muller, Veronica Phaneuf. Not Present: Dana Faldasz, Raymond Sebold.

    • 2: MCCI Town Contract

      General Discussion...
      *ML waiting to hear back from Steve Ellis

      MOTION, moved by Veronica Phaneuf, seconded by Mik Muller: Motion to pursue Cumbies venue for new station location.

      Pass: Aye: Mike Langknecht, Mik Muller, Veronica Phaneuf. Not Present: Dana Faldasz, Raymond Sebold.

  4. New Business

    • 1: Bilinguual Outreach

      General Discussion...
      * Discussed having a liaison to use as a resource for community school partnerships.

  5. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes prepared by Deirdre

Minutes approved on Friday, Aug 23, 2019