Special meeting of the MCCI board
Meeting opened: 6:15 PM
Meeting closed: 7:27 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
1: Treasurer's Report
2: Staff / Equipment Report
1: Video Contest / Promo Event @ Shea Theater
General Discussion...
Updated the form. Access online is set later.... July 29th 4pm.
4 submissions to date.
Advertising- Posters, Montague Reporter.....
Michael was talking about doing a PSA- need to do that....
Ask Dean to set up the PSA Post Haste.
Ask Dean to flash the poster periodically on the tv.
Ask Dean to file for the permit for the Sandwich board- Ray suggested he could build one. Thanks!
Ray proposes to change the app date to the submission Aug 28th
We need to promote!
Mik will call River culture to have her email a blast about it.
Check w/ Deirdre about where posters are!
How to find out about photo clubs- ask Dean?
Ray will look for Remote Control club? Maybe call John Zellman? may know about this....
Mik Ask town hall if will put up poster on carousel of home page.....
School kids - this could be the summer project you didn't do yet?
Park and Rec......!!
Veronica - Facebook- Advertising! facebook creds....
Free radio advertising- The River, WHAI, Bear Country
Ad in Greenfield Recorder..... quick ads-
2: MCCI Town Contract
General Discussion...
Finish discussion next meeting.
3: Bilingual Outreach
6:45: New Building Update - Gathering documentation about Cumbies and rallying support.
MOTION, moved by Mik Muller, seconded by Raymond Sebold: Motion to write open letter to citizens of Montague regarding Cumberland Farms Building.
Pass: Aye: Dana Faldasz, Mik Muller, Raymond Sebold, Veronica Phaneuf. Not Present: Mike Langknecht.
Contents would be time line, supporters, plan, call to action.
Letter should be sent to board members to approve prior to publishing.
Minutes approved on Friday, Aug 23, 2019