Regular meeting of the MCCI board
Meeting opened: 6:00PM
Meeting closed: 7:25 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Sep 19 - MCCI Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
2: Staff / Equipment Report
General Discussion...
*Discussed Drone pricing & possible purchase-Dean will research
*Contact John Zellman (Fire Chief) for drone info
*Update cameras: Dean researching purchase of 2 additional cameras.
*Board will return to quarterly Meetings.
1: Video Contest
General Discussion...
Discussed collaborating with other Peg Stations for future festivals.
2: Bilingual Outreach
General Discussion...
*Hannah to meet with Catholic Social Ministries in search of future content.
"ML to write letter to local organizations for possible bilingual constituencies.
3: Cumbies Building
General Discussion...
*ML to write Letter to EDIC acknowledging companies (Sonail Waren) bid for re-development of Cumbies Building & express our concerns/interest in possible rental space.
1: Annual Staff Review
General Discussion...
*ML to meet with Dean within 2 weeks on progress reports, structure, Goals and guidelines for staff review and job descriptions.
2: Strategic Planning
General Discussion...
*GMRSD: Discussed making 1 hour Promo videos for each school within district. Dean will work with producers on collaboration.
*ML to respond to CAC review
*Iphone footage, upload to website, permission
3: Review of Evaluation
4: Soapbox Derby
General Discussion...
*Mik collaborating with Parks & Rec, Nova Motorcycles & Farmacy to implement The Soap Box Derby Contest in Turners Falls scheduled for September 2020.
* MCTV will film the event
Minutes approved on Monday, Mar 2, 2020