Quarterly meeting of the MCCI Board
Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:30 PM
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Thu, Nov 21 - MCCI Board Meeting
1: Treasurer's Report
General Discussion...
*Veronica sending draft budget.
*Treasurer Needed.
*Veronica retired from MCTV Board & Treasurer position:( Thank you for everything & your years of service to this committee- You Will Be Greatly Missed !!!
*Get on Leadership Board.
*Holiday Bonus Checks sent out.
2: Staff / Equipment Report
2: Bilingual Outreach
General Discussion...
Deirdre will speak to Ellyssa, MCTV Producer, to discuss possible bilingual outreach for the community. ie: Brickhouse, Catholic Ministries & Schools.
3: Cumbies Building
General Discussion...
*Mik spoke to, Sohail Waien (New Cumbies' Owner), regarding possible basement rental space for MCTV's new location. Proposal needed.
1: Annual Staff Review
General Discussion...
*Discussed doing Quarterly Evaluations instead of Annual..
*ML working on current evaluations with Dean.
2: Strategic Planning
General Discussion...
*2020 Film Festival Proposal
*Link board to dopbox
*Board Member Search: Mik to write letter to Linda @ GSB for possible members.
3: Review of Evaluation
4: Soapbox Derby
General Discussion...
MCTV will be in charge of filming the event & selling DVD copies upon customer request.
Minutes prepared by Deirdre
Minutes approved on Monday, Jun 22, 2020