MCCI Special Committees Meeting

Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 6:00 pm until 8:00 pm
34 Second Street Turners Falls, MA
A meeting of the MCCI Board

Meeting of MCCI Board

Members: (Quorum)

  • Present: Dana Faldasz, Clerk, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Mik Muller, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Mike Langknecht, President, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Veronica Phaneuf, Treasurer, at 6:00 PM
  • Present: Raymond Sebold, at 6:00 PM

Also Present:

  • Dean Garvin
  • Deirdre Pleasant

See original Agenda Final Minutes

Meeting opened: 6:00 PM

Meeting closed: 7:30 PM

  1. Meeting Preliminaries

    • Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).

    • No minutes to approve.

  2. Committee Reports

    • 1: Station Policies on Producer Content (''Ownership'')

      General Discussion...
      *Discussed re-rewriting ownership policy to issue statement indicating that we have rights to post any content to our Vimeo account.

      Membership form language regarding copyrights was proposed after the meeting via email.

      1. Ray-Sebold-Producer-Policy-2018-12-29.txt
    • 2: Film Festival / Contest

      General Discussion...
      Discussed Film Festival:
      *Prizes: from local businesses
      *Content: Town of Montague
      *Applicants: Residents of Town of Montague, Gill & Erving
      *Location: The Shea Theater? rent?
      *Premere: First 30 minutes (meet/greet, highlights)
      *Advertising: Montague Reporter
      *Admission: Kids under 12 free, Adults?
      *Ray to meet with Suzanne LoManto and rewrite outline.

      1. Ray-Sebold-Film-Promo-Contest-2018-12-29.txt
    • 3: Splash / Promotional Event - Possibly folded in with Film Festival?

      General Discussion...
      Discussed/agreed to piggyback with Film Festival

      1. MCTV_Splash_Event.txt - From previous meeting
  3. Meeting Wrap-up

The listing of matters is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.

Minutes prepared by Deirdre

Minutes approved on Tuesday, Mar 5, 2019