Week of August 15th-19th, 2016

New this week: Montague from Bird’s eye view

View of Turners Falls

These humid summer days roll slowly by. Cool down and check out the latest programming on your community access station! See montaguetv.org/p/55/TV-Schedule to find out when your favorite shows will air on TV this week. 

Our latest production, taken using Drone Station, gives you the opportunity to explore Turners Falls from a bird's-eye perspective! Soar around the falls and watch Unity Skatepark action from above. This can be seen on our website, alongside last week's local policy meetings--the Montague Selectboard, Gill Selectboard, and the Gill Montague Regional School Committee Meeting. As per the summer schedule, there will be no new meetings to view this coming week, but stay tuned for more content coming your way. 

Looking for ways to get involved in your community? Maybe the Turners Falls Fashion Show is for you--you're invited to get involved as a model, designer, photographer, sewer, or planner. What skills will you bring? There's lots to do in preparation for the big show in just five weeks. More info at turnersfallsriverculture.org

Finally, we'd like to put in a note of appreciation to all of our viewers, no matter what medium you're using to access our programming. We operate for you, and our doors are open to your involvement week to week. That's why we love to remind you: 

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch to learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment. (413) 863-9200infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!

Facebook users, you can follow us at facebook.com/MontagueTV! This way, you'll stay in the loop for our weekly updates.

Posted: to General News on Mon, Aug 15, 2016
Updated: Mon, Aug 15, 2016