Week of October 17th-21st, 2016

New this week: Paper Logic Tour

Did you know that in the average household, 30% of heat is lost to leakage? Learn this and tons of more trivia and tricks to save money this season by watching the hour long special "Building Science- Mass Save Audit 2016," on MontagueTV.org! Plus, visit www.MassSave.org to learn more. 

Remember the Paper Logic tour that took place last month? Well now you can explore the Paper Logic mill again in the video on our website. Learn all about its history and how the paper is made. 

Want to turn more local events into videos to revisit and enjoy? Get in touch to learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment. (413) 863-9200infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you! 

Finally, we'd like to spread the word to Montague residents to fill out the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MontagueOSRP, to help the Montague Planning Department update its Open Space and Recreation Plan--let your voice be heard! And for all eligible residents, don't forget to register to vote by October 19th. 

Posted: to General News on Mon, Oct 17, 2016
Updated: Mon, Oct 17, 2016