Week of October 24th-28th, 2016

New this week: Local Meetings & More

Here at MCTV we are wish you a festive Pumpkinfest on Saturday--here's hoping you're able to attend! Pumpkinfest 2016 will run from 2-9 PM on October 29th on Avenue A in Turners Falls; free shuttling will be available from Turners Falls High School and Sheffield School. Guests are encouraged to bring carved and painting pumpkins to help with the display! 

Last week's Gill Selectboard Meeting (10/17) and Montague Selectboard Meeting (10/17), along with the Gill-Montague Regional School Committee Meeting (10/18) are now available on montaguetv.org for viewing. We would like to empower you to stay updated on your town and school district's events and policy-making! This is what having a public access station is all about. Some of the agenda items from this most recent school committee meeting included budget planning and homework policies and practices, so tune in to learn all about it! The meeting also announced a Public forum on October 25th from 6-8 PM, to discuss the topic of changing the High School's mascot and team name, currently the "Indians;" read more about it on the website of the Recorder: http://www.recorder.com/Turners-Falls-mascot-open-forum-5427150.

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch to learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment. (413) 863-9200infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!

Posted: to General News on Fri, Oct 21, 2016
Updated: Sat, Oct 22, 2016