New this week: Erving Riverfront Park
Have you heard about the controversy surrounding the Erving Riverfront Park project?
A beautiful community area has been unveiled, testament to the power of ordinary people working together across specialties. The work, however, is not done. There are still plans in place to add on 7 more acres of conservation land, complete with trails, expand the playspace to accommodate children of all ages, and preserve historical structures like the mill building for use as a community center.
Find out why these plans could be stopped in their tracks by listening to Jeanie Schermesser’s speech at the park’s opening celebration. Schermesser, as a member of the Usher Re-use Committee, has put long hours of work into the vision and leadership of the project. Her speech provided insight into what citizens who believe in the value of the project thus far can do to advocate for its completion.
Schermesser was one of ten speakers who came out for the June 24th celebration You can hear them in their own words by viewing MCTV’s coverage of the event, at, or on Channel 17. Upcoming viewing times for this program can be found in our TV Schedule, at /p/55/TV-
This video is a mine of information to help you identify and connect with more of the players moving our communities forward. You’ll find Schermesser’s speech, mentioned above, at the video’s 15-minute mark. Other speakers include:
Rich Peabody (Master of Ceremonies), Scot Bastarache (Erving Selectman), Scott Rosenberg (Massachusetts State Senator), Mary Chicoine Praus (Land Use and Natural Resources Planner, Franklin Regional Council of Governments), Mark Arigoni (Milone & Macbroom, Engineering Consultants), Steve Corrigan (Mountainview Lanscape and Lawncare), Mark Wright (North Quabbin Chamber of Commerce), Morris Housen (CEO Erving Paper Mill), and David Brule (Mills River Watershed Council, historical and conservation commissions).
At MCTV we connect community members to local happenings through local access programming. If there’s something going on YOU think others would like to see, get in touch and we’ll set you up with a camera to capture the moment. (413) 863-9200,, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10AM-4PM, Monday through Friday. We’d love to work with you.
Posted: to General News on Mon, Jul 3, 2017
Updated: Mon, Jul 10, 2017