Tim Lindop remembered

The news of Tim’s passing has spread quickly through social media and many people with whom he worked have contacted MCTV station staff with their condolences

Lisa Middents, Development Coordinator for Franklin County Home Care Corporation in Turners Falls, said, "Tim Lindop was a local gem. It's not often that someone with such artistic talent and professional filmmaking skill would also care so much about passing on his knowledge to the community. I was amazed last fall at how much time, effort, and real love he poured into his video workshops for us at Franklin County Home Care Corporation. We never could have produced the moving and professional-quality video about our work serving elders and people with disabilities without Tim's help. His passing is a great loss for our community. I feel so fortunate to have known someone so generous, caring, and talented."

Jon Dobosz, Director of Parks & Recreation, Town of Montague, worked closely with Tim on projects including a video for the Playful City USA project in the winter of 2014.  Dobosz said, "I found him to be extremely easy-going and a true professional throughout the entire process. He wore many hats during its development: camera technician, interview host, editor and producer, which was certainly not easy. It was clear from the beginning that he truly cared about the project, because he took pride in his work, MCTV, and the community as a whole."

Lindop's role as trainer and mentor led him to work very closely with MCTV's top community producers including Janet Masucci, who covers Gill's governmental meetings and produces education videos in health and the environment. Masucci stated that he was "more than an instructor; he was a friend." Laurel Facey, producer of many videos of events at the Great Falls Discovery Center and other local happenings, said, “I'm just sorry that I didn't take the time to learn more from him. He was so willing to share the knowledge he had with others.” 

Recently, Lindop shared with MCTV's Outreach Coordinator Cindy Tarail that, “my goal when teaching is to instill the joy of creating through video, that video is a craft and that it is more than simply pointing the camera at something, pushing the record button, and then handing it off to an access center for display. I believe I can say without exaggeration that in every case people came away [from MCTV workshops and mentoring] excited and invigorated about making video and video production’s possibilities as a creative outlet. “

Lindop gave a workshop to MCTV's youngest members, Solena and Alexander Davidson Carroll (8 yrs and 10 yrs, both of the Traveling Rhubarb Circus) and Enzo and Atticus Belmonte (7 yrs and 9 yrs). Laurie Davidson, mother, said, "Solena returned home super pumped up about the class. She was so proud to show me the camera and she has been working on making a guided tour of our house with the different family activities that go on - including both still shots (daffodils growing) and super fast action of her brothers on the trampoline. Tom was really impressed with [Lindop's] gentle approach with the kids and thought [his] explanations were really clear and thorough. Solena's brothers are now jazzed up about the possibility of a class geared toward older kids somewhere down the line."

Linda Ackerman, Branch Manager for Greenfield Savings Bank in Turners Falls, said, "I am saddened" and said she had been looking forward to Lindop videoing events at the Bank's Community Room including a recent workshop with the Traveling Rhubarb Circus on the 23rd, the day of Lindop's passing.

Dean Garvin, Station Manager, said, "He was a true artist when it came to storytelling through video.  His unique life experience and vast knowledge was truly a blessing. I will miss our many discussions over coffees and chili cheese dogs." 

Mik Muller, board member of MCCI, said "Tim was passionate about good editing and quality production, always passing along tips for an upcoming project even if he wasn't involved in it. His decades of experience could not be ignored." Veronica Phaneuf, board member of MCCI, commented that "MCTV was lucky to have Tim Lindop as our Technical Coordinator. Tim brought to his job a love of video production, technical expertise and most important, a sense of humor. He will be missed. Thanks, Tim."

Check MCTV's Facebook page for some photos of Tim.



Posted: to General News on Fri, Aug 29, 2014
Updated: Sat, Aug 30, 2014