New this week: Local meetings (Wendell)
This week, we direct Wendell viewers in particular to our Latest Videos page of our website, where you can find the Wendell Selectboard's recent meeting with National Grid. This hour-long video reviews the the town's energy needs and requests.
We encourage you to turn to us, your very own community TV station to keep important local conversations recorded online. If you notice a gap in our collections, that just might be your cue to get involved at the station! At Montague Community TV, you are history in the making.
Something going on you think others would like to see? If you get in touch, we can show you how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment.
Contact us at (413) 863-9200,, or stop by 34 Second Street between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. We'd love to work with you!