Fairy Day on Avenue A!
Week of September 6th - 13th
This week on MCTV we have some magical new content for you to enjoy. ‘Fairy Day on Avenue A’ produced by The Lovelights and MCTV’s own Hannah Brookman.This was a fun filled event that took place on August 17th at Peskeompskut Park in Turners Falls. The Lovelights gave a live performance of the pilot episode for their new Lovelights series, as well as live music and fun for the whole family! There was a huge turnout, but if you weren’t there you can watch all the fairy fun on montaguetv.org.
We can all feel the fall weather creeping in, so why not enjoy those sweet summer moments for as long as we can! Video’s from Barbés in the Woods are being slowly released to montaguetv.org. It’s perfect to listen to at work or around the house if you want to hang on to those summer vibes for as long as you can! Also on montaguetv.org you can stay up to date with local highschool sports with the Franklin County Varsity Sports Reports with your host Bobby C.
Sign up for MCTV’s 120 Second Film Festival! Two minutes isn’t a long time, but it's long enough to tell a story! Come up with an idea and visit montaguetv.org to sign up and for more details! Something going on you think others would like to see? If you get in touch, we can show you how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment. Contact us at (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 Second Street between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. We'd love to work with you!
Posted: to General News on Mon, Sep 9, 2019
Updated: Mon, Sep 16, 2019