Week of February 6th - 12th

In case you haven’t heard, the Gill-Montague School District has begun searching for a new Superintendent. Catch yourself up on how the search is going, as well as other new developments within the school system by checking out the latest Gill-Montague School Committee meeting on montaguetv.org. We post all meetings so you don’t have to miss anything in regards to changes that affect you and your children.

While you’re there check out the Franklin County Varsity Sports Report to see how our young local athletes are performing. MCTV is your link to local events, simply click the ‘latest video’ tab on our website montaguetv.org to see what’s going on right where you live. Also available is the Selectboard meeting from 1/29/2020. Stay up to date and informed with MCTV.

Something going on you think others would like to see? If you get in touch, we can show you how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment.Contact us at (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 Second Street between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. We'd love to work with you!