New Music: Northern Roots and Still Romantics
There is a lot of new music up on the MCTV Vimeo page this week. "Northern Roots" is a Traditional Music Festival out of Brattleboro VT, featuring a variety of northern musical traditions including Irish, Scottish, English, French Canadian and Shetland. Also up on MCTV is the new video album, "Still Romantics" by Brattleboro musician, Chris Weisman. Weisman collaborated with MCTV as well as with local musician Omeed Goodarzi and audio engineer Elie Mcaffee-Hahn to record a performance that was cancelled due to Covid. The performance was recorded in front of a green screen, allowing each song to become a music video created in a different style. The town meeting recording are available for viewing, including the Gill, Montague Regional School District, The Montague Finance Committee and a joint meeting with the Montague Selectboard and Board of Health.
All MCTV videos are available on the MCTV Vimeo page, which can be found linked to the MCTV website,, under the tab "Videos". All community members are welcome to submit their videos to be aired on Channel 17, as well as featured on the MCTV Vimeo page. MCTV is always available to assist in local video production as well. Cameras, tripods, and lighting equipment are available for checkout, and filming and editing assistance can be provided.
The MCTV board is looking for new board members, specifically someone interested in filling the role of treasurer. The station is also looking to hire a producer to make Spanish-language content. Please email with a resume to schedule an interview!
Something going on you think others would like to see? If you get in touch, we can show you how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment.