Owen Weaver (Cinematographer), Kim Noyes (Head of the Turners Falls Fishway), and Val at the 10th Annual Family Fish Day June 6, 2015
This piece is the first in a series highlighting the people who create and drive the programming you see on MCTV.
A few years ago Gill resident Valerie Magoon was having problems with her own video camera and wandered into the MCTV studios to see if someone could help her figure out what the problem was. That first chance meeting led to a great ongoing working relationship between the actress and the station.
Originally from the area, Val left for a number of years to pursue her dreams in Los Angeles. She worked in casting as well as acting, landing a part in Boston Legal (her stage name is Val Vaile if you want to look her up). She missed home though and with the industry changing, making a move back to Massachusetts became possible. In 2012 she happily returned to the valley. "Believe it or not there is a lot of work out here. I'm able to stay connected to the industry in Boston and have a steady stream of print and commercial work" Val says.
Val decided to create her own program, Val's Valley Views, because she wanted to showcase all the great, fun things folks are up to in the area. She loves the outdoors with her most recent episode focusing on paddle boarding in Barton's Cove. "What's great about what we've shot is that not only is it fun to watch, but you can learn how to do it from watching the episode." Val worked with cinematographer Owen Weaver who set up his tripod in waist-high water to capture all the action. Currently in editing, the program will be available shortly.
Val has lots of ideas for future episodes including shooting on the Quinnetukut II, Northfield Mountain’s 44-seat riverboat on which she is a tour interpreter. "We are looking at doing pirate-themed excursions. How fun would that be to film?!" The first episode of Val's Valley Views showcased the 10th Annual Family Fish Day hosted by the Great Falls Discovery Center in Turners Falls held on June 6th.
Keep an eye out for new monthly programming from Val. You can also follow what she is up to on Twitter or Instagram @vailedaisy
Posted: to General News on Tue, Jun 30, 2015
Updated: Wed, Jul 1, 2015