Week of October 12th - 16th, 2015

The MCTV staff and crew are knee-deep in new footage in the editing suite as well as shooting new material fast and furiously in the Montague area!  New to our viewing calendar and for immediate download this week:

2015 Season Finale of the Fat Detective - Another day in the life of our resident philosopher, the Fat Detective. Includes a behind the scenes interview with the show's star who shares his thoughts on what will take place in season two.

10/5/2015 Gill Selectboard Meeting- The meeting was opened with a presentation by the Gill Historical Commission.  Presented by commission chair Ivan Ussach, topics included updating the GHC museum room, the new Archaelogical Accountability Policy and the Battlefield Project meeting for area landowners.  A number of projects updates were discussed by the Selectboard ranging from the Green Community Grant to the Safety Complex roof.  Discussion also included the Coalition of Towns in Opposition to the Gas Pipeline, issues with the Fire Department vehicles, a DEP grant on recycling, and the potential for a large scale solar project.

10/5/2015 Montague Selectboard Meeting- Discussions included a range of topics related to the downtown including the issuance of a temporary alcohol permit for Black Cow Burger during Pumpkinfest, fund dispersement as part of the Avenue A Streetscape Enhancement Project and the Town Administrators Report concerning the selectboard appointment to the Franklin Regional Planning Board and the implimentation and administration of the CDGB FY15 program by the FCRHRA. Two hearings on pole location were also on the agenda as well as the appointment of new police officer Nathan Pervere.  The meeting closed with an executive session to conduct negotiations for Police Chief Charles Dodge.

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capturing the moment! (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!

Posted: to General News on Tue, Oct 13, 2015
Updated: Wed, Oct 14, 2015