Finding the Great Falls Festival
Keep the holidays coming with new videos from old footage! You can now finally view the MCTV coverage of The Great Falls Festival from 2021 on the MCTV Vimeo page! And if you're feeling nostalgic, try typing "Pumpkin Fest" into the small search bar below the title bar to view the MCTV archive as far back as 2012. All MCTV videos are available on the MCTV Vimeo page, which can be found linked to the MCTV website,, under the tab "Videos". All community members are welcome to submit their videos to be aired on Channel 17, as well as featured on the MCTV Vimeo page. MCTV is always available to assist in local video production as well. Cameras, tripods, and lighting equipment are available for checkout, and filming and editing assistance can be provided.
Something going on you think others would like to see? If you get in touch, we can show you how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment.