Week of October 26th-30th, 2015

New this week: local meetings on MCTV & upcoming Halloween events!

Halloween is almost upon us! Hundreds of jack-o-lanterns lit up Avenue A on Saturday for Franklin County's annual Pumpkinfest. Festival-goers who didn't carve a pumpkin beforehand were given the opportunity to do so there, thanks to generous pumpkin donations from Patterson Farm and Mount Toby Farm.

If you missed the festival, not to fear! There are more (family-friendly!) chances to get into the Halloween spirit coming your way, including an interactive haunted house event by Skeleton Crew Theater at Turners Falls High School on Oct. 30th & 31st, 5:30-9:30pm ($10-adults, $7-kids, free under 5; 413-834-0386), and the Rag Shag Parade on Avenue A (meets at dusk Oct. 31st in Food City parking lot--come in costume!), geared toward kids grade 6 and under & their families (free; 413-863-3216). 

This week we have some recent local meetings added to the TV schedule & available online: 

Gill Montague Regional School Committee meeting 10/13/15: Agenda items included a special education presentation by Nancy Parlakulas, an ELL presentation by Rebecca Wright, the superintendent's report, the director of business & operations report, and a report by the Collaboration for Educational Services. 

Montague Selectboard meeting 10/19/15: Agenda items included an announcement of the Mass Cultural Council's Adams Arts Grant of $16,250 awarded to Turners Falls RiverCulture, as well as discussions of local funding allocations, a time extension (until Dec. 15) for the Avenue A Streetscape Enhancement Project, and a vote to join the Municipal Coalition Against the Pipeline. Public comments included an invitation to the selectboard to join an upcoming meeting of the Coalition for Racial Justice, where they will be working to finalize a proposal for implementing racial sensitivity training for town employees. 

Gill Selectboard meeting 10/19/15: Agenda items included discussion of the addition of LED streetlights and outdoor lighting for public buildings at night, as well as a report from Superintendent of schools Michael Sullivan on strategies being used by the Gill-Montague Regional School District to increase academic rigor. Sullivan addressed a letter from the selectboard challenging a 5th grade field trip to learn about Sheffield 6th grade. Public comment included concern about a remark made in the school committee meeting which stated that a former Gill-Montague teacher should not serve on the school committee.

Montague Finance Committee meeting 10/21/15: Discussion items included the following propositions related to the Fiscal Year 2017 budget process: making a budget appropriation for part-time clerical help for town boards and committees, making IT expenses its own department, appropriating $50k to the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund rather than to the Town General Stabilization fund, and increasing the stipend for elected boards.

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capturing the moment! (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!

Posted: to General News on Sun, Oct 25, 2015
Updated: Sun, Oct 25, 2015