Comcast renewal
Do you rely on MCTV for coverage of town meetings, local sports, town festivals or business promotion? We need your help! Comcast, who provides crucial funding for our station, is hosting a public ascertainment hearing for the renewal of the town contract with Comcast to determine if Peg access (MCTV) is a viable asset to our town. We are looking for letters of support, or even better, your attendance at the June 17th meeting at 6pm at the Montague Town Hall to show support for MCTV! Letters can be addressed to "Cable Advisory Committee RE: Comcast Relicensing C/O Montague Town Administrator 1 Avenue A Turners Falls, MA, but can be emailed as a PDF to We know we are doing great work over here, and we only hope to get better, but we cannot do that without funding from Comcast and a display of support from you! Please check our our Vimeo page and see the thousands of videos we have made documenting our town's history! You will find our most recent uploads, including the Montague Selectboard Meeting and the GMRSD Meeting as well as a performance by The Whiskey Treaty Roadshow at the Shea Theater. A great thing about MCTV is that all community members are welcome and encouraged to submit their videos to be aired on Channel 9, as well as featured on the MCTV Vimeo page. If you have any ideas for films, MCTV is always available to assist in local video production as well. Cameras, tripods, and lighting equipment are available for checkout, and filming and editing assistance can be provided. Its an incredible resource! And if you're looking for more ways to get involved, consider joining the MCTV Board! If you would like to stop in for a meeting, email
Contact us at (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@