More! More! More!
MCTV means to you. It will help us receive the funding that we rely on from Comcast that keeps access to your public access station free! And if you do have time to come by the Relicensing Meeting, it is taking place on June 17th at 6pm at the Montague Town Hall. We at MCTV try our best to cover all of the important political events such as this week's uploads of the Montague Selectboard, the Gill Selectboard and the Montague Planning Board, whose prior meetings are now available on our Vimeo as well. We will be hopefully adding new meetings to our roster as well, and you should soon be seeing meetings from the Montague Health Department, The Zoning Board of Appeals, the Airport Commission and more. We also try to catch as many cultural events as we can, and Montague has many! This week we have videos from "Immigrant Voices: A Celebration of the Arts", which took place at the Shea Theater on May 19th, as well as a video of Pamela Means performing "The Power of the Protest Song" earlier that same day at Peskeompskut Park. It's wonderful to get to document all of the incredible goings-on in Montague, and what's really amazing is that you can too! The best thing about MCTV is that all community members are welcome and encouraged to submit their videos to be aired on Channel 9, as well as featured on the MCTV Vimeo page. If you have any ideas for films, MCTV is always available to assist in local video production as well. Cameras, tripods, and lighting equipment are available for checkout, and filming and editing assistance can be provided at no cost to you. It's an incredible resource! And if you're looking for more ways to get involved, consider joining the MCTV Board! If you would like to stop in for a meeting, email
Contact us at (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@