Week of November 9th-13th, 2015

New this week: recent selectboard meetings from Gill and Montague.

Leaves are truly covering the ground now, folks are bringing out their rakes and last week's warm days have given way to some more seasonal weather.  This Wednesday, November 11th is Veterans' Day; a ceremony will be held at Veterans Memorial Park from 10:30am-noon.  On Saturday, November 14th there will be an Energy Commission home energy workshop at Gill Elementary School from 9am-noon, which will highlight easy ways to make your home more affordable (for pre-registration, email jmasucci@msn.com or call 413-863-8694).

Here at MCTV, we've been keeping up with local events and recording them for a TV (or computer) near you. Now available for online streaming or download: 

  • Gill Selectboard Meeting 11/2/15: Peter and Patricia Heed came to announce that the USCA Nationals (flatwater paddling competition) will be hosted by the New England Canoe and Kayak Association, to be held at the Northfield Environmental Recreation Center on August 12-14, 2016. They advertised it as a fun, family oriented event where viewers can picnic and enjoy the competition. They hope to involve the surrounding towns, and are looking for local food trucks for when the paddlers complete the marathon in the early afternoon. Other agenda items at this week's meeting included a discussion of the costs of getting new smartboard projector for the Fire Department versus getting the current one repaired, a lighting update, and the announcement of a 10% increase in sewer rates.
  • Selectboard Meeting 11/2/15 Part 1 & Selectboard Meeting 11/2/15 Part 2: This week's Montague selectboard meeting had a very full agenda and was alive with public comment. Among other items, this meeting addressed: the appointment of Ann Cenzano to the Board of Assessors to fill a vancancy until the next election on 5/16/16, the appointment of Ariel Elan as Montague Pipeline liason until 6/30/17, the discussion of possible town comment to the Legislature on bills pertaining to the NED pipeline, planning motions looking toward PumpkinFest 2016,  a discussion of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services leaving the Great Falls Discovery Center while the National Park Service may be coming in, a request for funds for the restoration of the Lake Pleasant Bell and Structure, and the town administrator's report.

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment! (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!

Posted: to General News on Sat, Nov 7, 2015
Updated: Mon, Nov 9, 2015