Week of December 21st-25th, 2015

New this week: Montague Reporter Holiday Gala & Community Development Block Grant updates

There's been much activity this week at MCTV. Bret Leighton is shooting the Boys' Varsity Basketball Game between Turners Falls High School and Franklin County Tech School, a benefit on December 21st. Stay tuned--we're still awaiting some footage from Its a Wonderful Night in Turners Falls! Check out the following items airing on MCTV this week: 

  • Selectboard Meeting 12/14/15: This week had a full agenda, including, among other items, the hiring process for multiple positions in the police department, as well as updates from the Hampshire Council of Governments, Fire Department, and Town Planner. Featured this week: an overview of and updates from the Community Development Block Grant application process. This included presentations by the five projects seeking funding: an Avenue A pedestrian lighting by Berkshire Design Group, the expansion of existing youth opportunities for leadership and programming for young adults at the Brick House, a family literacy project through Montague Catholic Social Ministries in tandem with programming at the Center for New Americans, expansion of the Meals on Wheels program by Franklin County Homecare, and housing rehab by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. The deadline for proposals has passed, but those interested in making a future proposal for the Community Development Block Grant should look for the RFPs (request for proposals) that come out in towns in August/September. 
  • Montague Reporter Holiday Gala 12/3/15: A night of appreciation for Patricia Pruitt and Chris Sawyer-Lauçanno, and all that they have done to make Montague what it is today, including the establishment of our community newspaper. In this video, friends, townspeople, and those at the MR recount the many contributions of Pat and Chris. The gala was held at French King restaurant. 
  • GMRSD Meeting 12/15/15: New business this week included discussions of district technology, capital improvement planning, and the expense reimbursement policy. School committee reports included the Collaborative for Educational Services Report and guidelines on the superintendent's negotiations. Also: a discussion of the differences between PARCC and MCAS. 
  • Cable Advisory Committee Meeting 12/14/15: Watch to learn what's going on with the committee that provides liason between you and your cable provider (Comcast), and oversees your local public access station... that is, MCTV!

Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment! (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!


Posted: to General News on Mon, Dec 7, 2015
Updated: Sat, Jan 16, 2016