Looking for something to do this week? There's a wildlife exhibition up at the Great Falls Discovery Center! This features duck stamp designs--as part of the Junior Duck Stamp Program--created by local young people. Come check it out through the end of January! And don't forget to check out these new videos, now in the MCTV TV schedule & available online.
Selectboard Meeting 1/11/16: Agenda items this week included a meeting with the Coalition for Racial Justice (CoRaJu) to discuss possible training options for Town Staff, a fund request from the IT Administrator, and several other items (a link to the agenda is available at http://www.montague.net/pages/montaguema_BOSAgenda/, and can help you navigate to the segments of the video you're looking for). 1 hr, 5 min.
Cable Advisory Meeting 1/11/16: This week's meeting opened with a discussion of the details of the MCCI (Montague Community Cable, Inc.) contract and modifications to be made. 47 min.
GMRSD Meeting 1/12/16: School committee goals were laid out, and the superintendent's contract was revisited. New business included introducing the FY17 preliminary budget. 1 hr, 12 min.
Val's Valley News: Spiritual Alliance Promo: This week, Val interviews Joanne Matthews, Vice President of the National Spiritual Alliance, located on Lake Pleasant in Montague (pictured above). Events hosted by the spiritual alliance include development circles every monday night, Sunday services every week at 10:30, workshops (listed at the website-spiritualallianceusa.org), and finally, the Psychic Fair on the last Saturday of each month, which is featured in this segment of Val's Valley News! Watch this video to learn more. 4 min.
Finance Committee Meeting 1/13/16: Agenda items this week included a meeting with the IT coordinator, a reserve transfer request to information technology, a contract for the Public Works Feasibility Study, FY17 capital requests and preliminary use of FY17 reserves. 1 hr, 45 min.
Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment! (413) 863-9200, infomontaguetv@gmail.com, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!
Posted: to General News on Sun, Jan 10, 2016
Updated: Sat, Jan 16, 2016