New this week: Music Histories with Kim Kalesti and Bob McNeil
MCTV staff have been working hard to provide you with fresh programming from local events. Every week you can check out the live broadcast of local meetings including the Montague Selectboard on Mondays at 7pm and the Finance Committee Meeting on Wednesdays at 6pm. This week, agenda items for the selectboard meeting include a certificate of substantial completion for Unity Park phase three, Skate Park, as well as a request for use of public property for the Eastern Collegiate Cycling conference Regional Championship Criterion Race around Unity Park. Schedules I and II (wages for elected and appointed officials) are included in this week's finance committee agenda.
The following videos are now available online, for download & in the TV schedule:
Finally we would like to add a correction from Week of February 22nd-26th: The February Coffeehouse at Great Falls Discover Center, sales at the Great Falls Discovery Center Coffeehouse on 2/12/16 did not benefit No Fracked Gas in Mass. Artist CD sales and artists' shares of ticket prices did benefit No Fracked Gas in Mass, specifically, from David Fersh who performed a concert version of his project "Songs of Peace, Protest & Spirit" and the musicians performing with him: Art Fuleihan, Beth Adams, Sandra Boston, Andree Clearwater, Annie Hassett, Jacki Odess-Gillett, David Sibek and Storm.
Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch and learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment! (413) 863-9200,, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!