New this week: Great Falls Battlefield Presentation by Tribal and Colonial Historians
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Please excuse the interruption...spring will return after the snow! This week, tune into local meeting broadcasts including the Montague Selectboard meeting on Monday at 7pm and the Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday at 6pm. Stay tuned also this week for the Broadband meeting, Gill Selectboard meeting, and Gill-Montague School Committee meeting.
Check out the following videos now available online and in our TV program:
Battlefield Presentation 3/26/16 Parts 1&2: "1676-2016: What Have we learned? Tribal and Colonial Historians reflect on the Battle of Great Falls." Part I (1 hr, 45 min.) features a panel of presenters from the Great Falls Battlefield Research Project offering a variety of perspectives on the historic battle. Tribal representatives at the event included David "Tall Pine" White (Nipmuc) and Elizabeth Perry (Aquinnah). Some of the perspectives contributed included research from the Nolumbeka Project historians (Howard Clark in particular) and the input of Native narratives. Part II (1 hr.) reviews the goals of research - including that sites of battlefield will be reviewed as sites of historic landmarks. Battle of Great Falls Research Phases include I - Planning & Consensus Building (2015), II- Fieldwork: Identification & Documentation (Upcoming), and III- Interpretation&Education (Unknown). As the project moves into fieldwork in phase II, there will be a focus on methodology in Battlefield Archaeology, which will involve comparing findings with historical records. A battlefield timeline must be constructed according to primary resources, locating events in time and space - to create a temporal framework as a guide for fieldwork. This segment concludes with the microphone being opened up to audience voices.
In Studio: A production of Easthampton Media, In Studio gives viewers an inside look to the lives and work of local artists! In this segment, host Ted Perch interviews multi-media artist & sculptor John Landino. Enjoy Landino's metal sculptures and a demonstration of his book manipulation process. Landino's work is in a show "Altered Books" which will be on display this month at Eastworks in Easthampton MA. (33 mins.)
Something going on you think others would like to see? Get in touch to learn how easy it is to use a camera and capture the moment. (413) 863-9200,, or stop by 34 2nd Street in Turners between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. We'd love to work with you!