PEG Station Matrix

MCTV is undergoing the final stages of their contract with the Town of Montague, and would like to include a matrix / chart on some basic metrics involving public access stations. We have invited all the stations in the Pioneer Valley to participate. The results of this survey will be included in a background document for our Cable Advisory Committee to review, and will be shared back with all the stations that participated.

We thank you for taking the time to provide us with this information, and will send out the final spreadsheet when we have all the data.

Includes full time staff, part time, and contractors.
First-run, only. Includes PSAs and local PEG shows made through your station.
Includes everything above, plus piped-in or handed-in shows from elsewhere.

Do you pay for local programming?*

Some stations pay people to shoot and edit local events.

Just so we know who filled out the form...

You will get a copy of your answers emailed to you, and the final spreadsheet.

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)

Please review what you entered before you click the Submit button, and click it ONLY ONCE.